Monday, October 13, 2008

Get your robot insurance before it's too late

Ok, so we all remember that hilarious SNL short featuring Sam Watterson as a TV pitchman endorsing robot inurance for senior citizens. If you haven't seen it, Sam does a remarkably straight-faced monologue about the mounting dangers of an invasion by robots who terrorize senior citizens to get their medications, which the robots rely on for fuel. Only once or twice does it appear that a wry smile begins to crack at the sides of his mouth. Awesome. Here's a link if you haven't seen it:

Anyway, I'm not writing just to bring up that hilarious old skit. In the JMU student paper, The Breeze, today, there is actually a decently funny column. The kid who writes it typically isn't great, he's just a junior and hasn't developed a smooth and round comedic voice and style yet, but he gets close with this one. It's in the same vein as the SNL skit, and I thought it was worth plug:

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