Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Have you seen this man?

I'm not sure how my mind boarded its current train of thought, so don't ask. But in the past, I recall it has gotten on at each of the following stations: thinking about the classic Oregon Trail video game, deciding on a frozen pizza for dinner and seeing random glimpses of faces on TV.


Let me explain. I've been on a search for the name of an actor. You may be wondering how those three seemingly unconnected instances all lead to my trying to figure out who this guy is?

The answer is simple--Tombstone Pizza.

We all remember those classic Tombstone pizza commercials from the early 90's, where a guy is about to be executed in some way, and when asked what he would like on his tombstone, swiftly and snarkily replies something like "pepperoni and cheese."

The Oregon Trail connection, of course, comes in when a member of your travel party succumbs to typhus, cholera, broken leg, snakebite or some other incurable illness, and you are forced to bury them beside the trail. Stupidly, in at least one version of the game, the game designers inserted a feature where one could add an epitaph to the grave marker. Needless to say, many mourners later stopped to view memorials etched with such touching remembrances as "Here lies Pepperoni," "Sausage," or my personal favorite, "The Ox We Were Forced to Slaughter Due to Starvation."

Here is where I need your help. View this circa 1995 commercial, and tell me who the heck the mustached man sinking into quicksand is. I remember him appearing in other commercials, including one for Schnuck's or some other grocery store, as well as in bit parts in many TV shows. For a while, I was almost convinced it was acclaimed Northern-Irish theatrical actor/director Kenneth Branagh, but highly doubt that now after googling many variants of "Kenneth Branagh Tombstone Pizza Commercial" and finding nothing of value.

On a side note, I did discover this gem, a 1992 installment of the commercial series featuring a very young Don Stark as the imperiled aficionado of frozen pizza-like item.

1 comment:

Hot Topologic said...

No luck on finding that actor yet.