Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hot Celebrity News

The Hartford-Northampton corridor in which I live most of my current life has been the site of much national news lately. From the arson spree in Northampton to the tragic bullying case just miles away in South Hadley, the record flooding in Connecticut and last night's national championship victory for the UConn women's basketball team, our little neck of the woods has been turning heads recently.

But two recent and otherwise overlooked local news items caught my eye. One is about an national award-winning photograph by a young up-and-comer, the other about a young woman making a difference by helping confront an important and timely social issue.

Here's a scan of the first one, from Sunday's edition of the Hartford Courant:

And the second, from the April 2 issue of the Springfield Republican:

In other news, I just enjoyed my first soda in a month and a half, and found it incredibly sweet. Also, last night's episode of LOST was the best of the season. Comments are welcome on any of the above topics.

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