Friday, October 2, 2009

To Do List

As I continue rewatching LOST, I recall some issues that I believe need to be addressed in season 6. None, I guess, are that glaring that if they weren't, it wouldn't be the end of the world...OR WOULD IT?

1) Libby's backstory: I just watched "Dave" again. It's the Hurley-centric episode that recounts his mental illness, time at Santa Rosa and ?hallucinations? of his pal, Dave. It's not an epic episode in terms of the series, but it does matter-of-factly introduce the "Snow Globe" theory that everything is just in his head. Thankfully, the writers have vehemently denied that that is the case. And Libby becomes a larger figure as Hurley's love interest/counselor. But it is her uber-creepy appearance as a mental patient at Santa Rosa as the capper that adds the biggest piece of intrigue to her character. In a later episode, we see her giving Desmond the boat he uses to reach the Island. Theories abound that she is more intricately connected with the Island/Widmore than we know (e.g. could be Widmore's off-island child that led to his getting the boot as leader; could be working for him; or a Hurley stalker!) Anyway it shakes out, we need to see it.

2) Kelvin Inman's story: We've seen Kelvin in the Hatch as Desmond's mentor and as a U.S. military officer in Desert Storm, where he served alongside Sam Austen (Kate's non-biological father) and Sayid the Torturer. I recall the producers at some time responding to a fan question that we would see how he got to the Island (presumably through Dharma), and I hope we do. If for no other reason than I like Clancy Brown, the actor who plays him.

3) Problems around Ben: Why was Ben wandering alone in the jungle when he was first caught by Rousseau, and why did Rousseau allow him to leave (she didn't recognize him as the one who stole her baby?). She didn't tell her story to anyone when he was caught. That's probably more an oversight b/c Ben was only planned for 3-4 episodes originally, but it is an annoying omission. It ties into another omission, about why Ben's Others presumably didn't know about the Hatch. They used all the other Dharma stations, but apparently didn't know about that Swan, which seems ridiculous. And if they did know about it, they apparently didn't know its importance. I believe later in season 3 we see that Ben can spy on the Hatch from another station, so somewhere something doesn't add up.

4) More importantly, I want to see how/why the real Henry Gale got to the Island in the balloon. (I presume Ben or another Other interrogated him and then broke his neck.) There are indicators on the balloon plaque and in Ben's false story that Henry may have ties to Widmore/Hanso Foundation, and I hope they revisit it at some point.


PopsArmstrong said...

I think the Wizard of Oz took the identity of Henry Gale (Dorothy's Uncle Henry) when he left Oz in the balloon, Subsequently he crashed on the Island. Once there, he killed an Other (he was a bad guy in Wicked) and planted the ID papers on the Other. Later, Ben stole the identity paers and became Henry Gale. The Wizard is still walking around the Island as Richard or Jacob. :)

kilgore said...

Interesting "theory." I do like the concept of Jacob being the metaphorical wizard, or the "Man Behind the Curtain," but I'll just have to let you watch the Incident and see what happens to that line of thought.

PopsArmstrong said...

Besides Libby, Kelvin, and Henry Gale, we need a full explanation of Claire and her kin. What happened to her on the island? If alive did she transport to 1977? What happened to Aaron? Was her “mother” really her mother? And what about the psychic’s dire warning not to let her child be Raised by Another? Why did he change his mind so dramatically about that?

PopsArmstrong said...

I'd also like to find out about Walt. As I recall, he was supposed to be Special. I figured the Island had big plans for him.

PopsArmstrong said...

And there's the side stories about women named Theresa. Daniel's assistant who seems to be unstuck in time. And Boone's nurse who dramatically fell down the stairs, as Boone recalled in an uber-creepy vision. The two Theresas are probably unrelated, but wouldn't that be fun to tie them together somehow?

kilgore said...

I agree about Claire and Walt. They have both been confirmed as returning to the main cast for S6, so we should see some resolution there, as well as with the whole Shephard clan mystery. As for Theresa, I'm guessing that is just one of many instances where two characters share a name that probably won't isn't significant, such as Libby's husband Dave and Hurley's friend Dave and Kate's ex Tom and Tom Friendly of the Others. But I would like to see more of the psychic Richard Malkin. Is he a fake? Is he working for the Others? Any way, he is creepy and awesome.

PopsArmstrong said...

You're probably right about the two Teresas. On the other hand, though both were timy parts (we never even saw Boone's Teresa) both would seem to be interesting loose ends that beg to be tied up.