Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Comic Con

For the past several years, the producers of LOST have been one of the most popular exhibitors at the Comic Con Convention in San Diego. The audience of that convention dovetails nicely with their hardcore viewer base, so it's no surprise ABC pulls out a lot, if not all, the stops to make sure their presentation doesn't disappoint. Yesterday I read this New York Times piece about how much planning they put into their panel this year, equating such efforts with campaign rallies to prime voters to get to the polls in September.

Below I'll put some videos that should capture most of the presentation. NOTE: These will contain major spoilers for anyone who's not yet surpassed season 5.

LOST Panel Part 1
LOST Panel Part 2
LOST Panel Part 3
LOST Panel Part 4

But perhaps the best part of the presentation was edited out of the above links--a montage of fan-created videos the producers showed. It's the embedded video at the top of the page, and the last part is hilarious. It shouldn't reveal too much in terms of spoilers.

1 comment:

PopsArmstrong said...

That is hilarious!, especially the end.